Python Development Environments

A development environment is a tool or set of tools that allow developers to create, execute, debug, and test programs. As Python is an interpreted language, the simplest development environment for Python is the interpreter itself. The Python interpreter provides an interactive mode that can be used to execute small programs, view program state, visualize data, and debug programs. For complex Pythom programs, a more sophistocated environment is required. In this lesson, we will look at a number of development environments specifically aimed at Python development:


00:00 IPython How can I use IPython for developing programs
00:20 Jupyter Notebooks How do I use Jupyter Notebooks to write Python programs
01:00 PyDev How can I used PyDev to develop Python applications
What are the main features of PyDev that will help me develop Python programs
02:00 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.